Javelinas: desert denizens. Not pigs, but peccaries. I see them when I run, brigades of a dozen. Hoofed toes kicking up dust, babies trailing in back. Spirit animals for whom I’ve always had a soft spot.
But today, just one, hiding in the brittle brush. His coarse salt-and-pepper hair and quilled collar, a built-in cloak of camouflage. Air musky with fear. His tusks clacking.
Injured. Immobile. In the road, the ill-fated herd member who didn’t cross in time.
I got you, I whispered.
Later: a net, a crate, a red Jeep. Wildlife rescue volunteers wearing their hearts on their sleeves. 💖

What a sweet story, Amie. Loved this.
Poor baby! What an act of love! You have such a kind heart, Amie!❤️🩹